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INM Migration & Legal

Real Cases

Character visa refusal prevented/ AAT



Our client and his family came to Australia on a student visa 500. At the time, the client applied for a permanent resident to remain in Australia with his family under the Skilled Migrant visa.
His prior conviction to which he pleaded guilty has gone against him on the ground of character requirements, and as a result, our client and his family visa applications were refused.

Our involvement

We immediately executed a thorough research and gathered substantial evidence to support our client’s application. We proved to the AAT that while there was a risk of some low-level offence, it was a one-time mistake from our client and the chance of reoffending was low.
Using compelling reasons to back our ground, we successfully convinced the AAT that our client and his family would suffer significant hardship if they failed to obtain this visa.
As a result, the AAT accepted the argument and remitted the case back to the Immigration office to reassess other criteria subject to the visa. Our client and his family have finally got their visas granted.

Visa cancellation “breached condition of work permits”

Our client came to Australia under a student visa. During his course of studying, he contracted a virus and fell ill, which adversely affected his academia and work for a period of time.

Spouse visa – Is ‘love’ a factor to determine the relationship

Our client comes from the Philippines, arrived in Australia under a visitor visa, met her partner who is an Australian citizen.